

“Respond to every call 
that excites your spirit.” 
― Rumi


Keep it simple.... There's no need to re-invent the wheel (yes, a good play on words, but something I tell friends and students - I've been a public school teacher for 15+yrs -  always - go back, observe, study, what you're looking for may just already be in front of you :)

I'm an eclectic creative....

I adore photography, Hipstamatic, art, post it notes and Sharpies, alpacas, farms, gardening, yoga, hiking, kayaking, boxing, dogs and old books.

There is always a yoga mat in my car. 

Wine, yarn and chocolate are medicinal - I lived in Italy for a bit and I think I can prove it... Meditation is also medicinal....

There is only the here and now...  Savor every second. 


questions? comments? use our contact page or email me >
